National Chorus Contest
MC - Conor Cronin
10.00 Mic Warmers - Munster Mix
10.10 MnáSome
Director: Rhiannon Owens-Hall
10.20 Tone Cold Sober
Director: Martin Donoghue and Ailbhe Hayes
10.30 Athlone A Cappella
Director: Hilary Roche
10.40 Approx 20-Minute BREAK
11:00 The SeaSharps
Director: Rhiannon Owens-Hall
11.10 Beating Time
Director: Lucy O'Connell
11.20 Blingmasters
Director: Rebecca Gilbert
11.30 Serendipity
Director: Pauline Edmondson
11.40 Champagne Cork
Director: Ursula Mulvihill
11:50 Harmony Federation
Director: Linda Corcoran
12:00 Approx 15 -Minute BREAK
Here to Harmonise Youth Quartet Festival
MC - Christina Matthews
12:20 CAJD Harmony (Cork)
12:28 Ceol i Mo Soul (Cork)
Here to Harmonise Youth Chorus Festival
12:36 Aloysius Aces (Cork)
Director: Lorena Gillard
12.45 Lunch break
Here to Harmonise Youth Quartet Contest
14:02 Three Basses and that One Tenor (Donegal)
14:10 The Baby Barbers (Cork)
14:18 The Platinum Dolls (Donegal)
14:26 ASMR (Donegal)
14:34 5-minute break
Here to Harmonise Chorus Contest
14:40 The ABCs (Cork)
Director: Lorena Gillard
14:50 Danu Young Women's Choir (Donegal)
Director: Douglas Carnes
15:00 Mic Cooler - Clementones
15:10 Here to Harmonise Results
International Chorus Contest
MC - Rachel Small
15:30 Mic Warmer-Hot Ticket
15:42 The Red Rosettes
Representing LABBS
Director: Emma McManus
15:54 Northern Stars Chorus
Representing SNOBS
Director: Rasmus Krigström
16:06 Viva Acappella
Representing SAI R31
Director: Nicky Salt
16:18 Crystal Chords
Representing LABBS
Director: Monica Funnell
16:30 Phoenix
Representing SAI R31
Director: Lynda Wood
16:42 5-minute BREAK
16:47 Harmony Bells Stockholm
Representing SAI R32
Director: Viveka Boettge
16:59 Ouse Valley Chorus
Representing BABS
Director: Ian James
17:11 Munster Mix
Representing IABS
Director: Cherry Hartshorn
17:23 Mic Cool Barberlicious
17:33 Mic Cool Clementones
Results and Awards will follow
Champions Gala Concert 20:00
The best of the best: Gold winners in all categories and guests, in one concert. Unmissable!
MCs - Mary McGraw and Simon McGraw
20:00 Clementones
20:20 National Quartet Contest winners
20:30 Youth Quartet Contest winners
20.40 National Chorus Contest winners
20:50 Danu Young Women's Choir
21:05 International Quartet Contest winners
21:15 Barberlicious
21:30 International Chorus Contest winners
21:40 Hot Ticket
22:00 Afterglow!