Stage Specifications at INEC, Killarney

The Stage is:
19 metres wide x 8 metres deep
The forestage depth is 2 metres.
We will be using eight 4-foot, 4-step risers.
Stage Information
Competitors will arrive and line up in in an area outside auditorium 10 minutes prior to your appointed time and will be directed onstage from stage left and will exit stage from stage right.
Should some of your members need to use a ramp to enter the stage, please note that our ramp begins beside the stairs on stage left and enters the stage level on the stage right side of the stage. People using the ramp will enter and exit the same way.
Quartets will be announced before entering the stage.
By default, choruses will enter the stage before being announced. Choruses may choose to be announced before entering the stage which will mean judging will start once your chorus/quartet is announced. Please notify the Convention Team on [email protected] if this is your choice, no later than 30 September - otherwise we will assume you to be in place on stage before being announced when judging will then commence.
Should some of your members need to use a ramp to enter the stage, please note that our ramp begins beside the stairs on stage left and enters the stage level on the stage right side of the stage. People using the ramp will enter and exit the same way.
Quartets will be announced before entering the stage.
By default, choruses will enter the stage before being announced. Choruses may choose to be announced before entering the stage which will mean judging will start once your chorus/quartet is announced. Please notify the Convention Team on [email protected] if this is your choice, no later than 30 September - otherwise we will assume you to be in place on stage before being announced when judging will then commence.
Official photographs and videos
Photographs will be taken during your performance and one static before you leave the stage.
There will not be any livestream from the convention, we will instead circulate the videos in the weeks following convention - please allow our small team time to get all the performances ready for you!
There will not be any livestream from the convention, we will instead circulate the videos in the weeks following convention - please allow our small team time to get all the performances ready for you!
Stage Familiarisation Time
On Thursday 3rd October from 7.30pm we will have a Stage Familiarisation Hour where quartets or a maximum of ten from a chorus may come on to the stage to see the space, walk the risers and get a feel for the atmosphere. This is not a mic testing opportunity but rather a time to get to see the environment before the contest.