Say 'Hello' to the Convention Team if you see them over the weekend

Catherine is our Chair of Judges for the weekend, manages the contest administration and liaising with the judging panel, stage manager and MCs. She sings with Munster Mix and Champagne Cork so you'll spot her on stage too!
When all contests are over, results delivered and her work done, she will be catching up with old friends and maybe singing a few bars!

An enthusiastic disney princess from a young age, Ailbhe met Barbershop when she lived in Sligo, as part of the Four Bars Later family of singers. After the first rehearsal she attended, she was addicted and finally found a place for her low voice. She is the current co-director of Tone Cold Sober (Sligo), and sings with Blingmasters (Dublin) and Lady Barbalade as well as Dutch chorus, Mixed Nuts. In her ‘real life’ she is a pharmacist, working in community pharmacy in east Galway.
She joined the IABS board in 2020 and in 2022 became Chair of IABS. She loves facilitating the workings of IABS and is particularly delighted to see so many young singers joining in education events and at Conventions.

Eva is our Stage Manager and valued member of the Convention Team, keeping everything flowing. She deftly co-ordinates competitors on-stage with Chair of Judges' instructions and tech team.
Despite years of involvement with IABS she is yet to find her way into a barbershop group (we’ll keep working on her….)
You will find Eva side stage for the weekend, ready for anything!
Despite years of involvement with IABS she is yet to find her way into a barbershop group (we’ll keep working on her….)
You will find Eva side stage for the weekend, ready for anything!

As the younger sibling to a bossy older sister, it was only a matter of time before Orla was strong armed by Ailbhe into joining the convention team for IABS. A life long love of lists and new found joy in Barbershop have led Orla to her natural place as Eventbrite manager (chief list maker) for 2024 and she looks forward to putting faces to all the names in Killarney! When not singing with Blingmasters Chorus or Pure Sound Quartet, Orla can be found in the wild working as an architect in Dublin where her coworkers think she hasn't a note in her head because all she can sing is baritone lines!

Meet Anna, our Team Member managing our many volunteers over the weekend. You may also see her on the Registration Desk as well as competing with Blingmasters in the National Chorus Contest on Saturday morning!
Anna is a theatre nerd and a singer to her very core. After many years of choral singing, Anna skipped happily after her sister into the world of Barbershop and has not looked back since. She has been singing bass with Blingmasters since their inception, and served as their Captain of The Sesh on numerous occasions.
Anna works in theatre operations and is a passionate organiser of people and events. She is delighted to be returning as part of the IABS convention team this year.